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Sheikh Moosa Jameel, father of ex-Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, passes away

Sheikh Moosa Jameel passed away after battling illness for an extended period, during which he sought treatment at ADK Hospital.

Hanaan Hussain
24 April 2024, MVT 10:23
former Foreign Minister and President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Abdulla Shahid with his father Sheikh Moosa Jameel
Hanaan Hussain
24 April 2024, MVT 10:23

Sheikh Moosa Jameel, father of former Foreign Minister and President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Abdulla Shahid, has passed away on Wednesday.

It is believed that Sheikh Moosa Jameel was battling illness for quite some time before his passing. He was most recently being treated at ADK Hospital in the Maldives' capital.

In a heartfelt post on the social media platform X, Shahid recalled his father as his biggest strength and someone who always inspired him throughout his life. Sheikh Moosa Jameel passed away on Wednesday morning.

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