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Gahdhoo council appeals to stop killing cats with poison

Gahdhoo Council has appealed to residents to refrain from killing cats with poison, stating that they have observed this to become a common occurrence in recent days.

Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 10:26
Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 10:26

Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Gahdhoo Council has appealed to residents to refrain from killing cats with poison, stating that they have observed this to become a common occurrence in recent days.

An announcement by the council in the government gazette states that the Council has observed a trend of killing cats with poison in the island, with dead cats and crows attracted to the kills noticed on the beachside road of the island within the past week.

They further said that they have received complaints from the public about the inconveniences that this poses.

The council said that with the weather tending to be rainy at this time, there is a risk of diseases spreading if these acts are to be continued, and appealed to the public to consider this a personal responsibility and refrain from killing cats with poison.

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