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Re-registration opens for presidential election 2023

Anaan Bushry
17 July 2023, MVT 11:56
Officials at a local council election
Anaan Bushry
17 July 2023, MVT 11:56

The Elections Commission has announced that voters living abroad or those who wish to vote in a different location other than their place of residence can re-register for the upcoming presidential election.

The re-registration period will remain open until August 5.

Individuals who have already registered to vote in the capital Malé City are exempted from re-registering. However, individuals residing in other islands where they are not registered will need to complete the re-registration process in order to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

To determine their place of registration, voters can utilize the SMS service provided on the Election Commission's website (www.elections.gov.mv) or SMS VR Space ID Number to 1414.

To facilitate the re-registration process, the Election Commission has introduced an online portal at https://form.elections.gov.mv. Applications can also be submitted in person at the council offices of residential islands (excluding Malé City), as well as the neighborhood offices of Addu and Fuvahmulah Cities.

For individuals residing in Malé City, applications should be submitted at the election center located in Dharubaaruge.

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