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State expenditure hit MVR 31.8B, MVR 23B short of approved budget

Mohamed Rehan
19 November 2022, MVT 17:52
Mohamed Rehan
19 November 2022, MVT 17:52

State expenditure reached MVR 31.8 billion in annual terms as of November 10, 2022.

The approved expenditure for the year is MVR 34.1 billion. With this cumulative state spending is MVR 2.3 billion short of hitting the approved expenditure for the current fiscal year.

According to Ministry of Finance, cumulative state revenues inclusive of grants have reached MVR 22.97 billion by the review date. Meanwhile, the projected total revenue for the year is MVR 24.3 billion.

With this revenues inclusive of grants is MVR 1.33 billion shy from reaching projected total for the year.

The overall balance for the period is a deficit of MVR 8.8 billion.

The cumulative total of tax revenues is currently at MVR 16.6 billion. On the other hand, the cumulative total of non-tax revenues is now at MVR 6.2 billion.

Top Tax Revenue Sources

1. TGST: MVR 5.5 billion

2. Import Duties: MVR 2.8 billion

3. GGST: MVR 2.65 billion

4. Business Profit Tax (BPT): MVR 2.07 billion

5. Green Tax: MVR 825.5 million

Top Non-tax Revenue Sources

1. Rent from Resorts: MVR 1.52 billion

2. Airport Development Fee: MVR 702.6 million

3. Registration and License Fees: MVR 690.8 million

4. SOE Dividends: MVR 547.8 million

5. Interest and Profits: MVR 355.9 million

Grants to the state is now at MVR311.3 million.

The recurrent expenditure has reached MVR 23.4 billion. From this total, MVR 14.1 billion has been spent on administrative and operational expenses, and another MVR 9.2 billion on salaries, wages and pensions of public sector employees.

Moreover, capital expenditure in cumulative terms reached MVR 8.4 billion. Out of this total, MVR 4.6 billion has been spent on infrastructure assets, with another MVR 1.52 billion spent on land and buildings.

Memorandum Items;

- Loan repayment: MVR 2.57 billion

- Subscription to multilateral agencies: MVR 22.1 million

- Transfers to Sovereign Development Fund: MVR 702.6 million

- SDF Fund Size: MVR 5.1 billion

- SDF Bank Balance: MVR 80.0 million

- Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP): MVR 6.3 billion

- Councils Block Grant Disbursements: MVR 1.4 billion

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