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Fifsheen Appointed As Managing Director of SDFC

Aishath Fifsheen Ali has assumed the role of Managing Director at SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC).

23 January 2024, MVT 13:30
SDFC Managing Director Fifsheen.-- Photo: SDFC
23 January 2024, MVT 13:30

​​Aishath Fifsheen Ali has been appointed Managing Director of SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC).

She was appointed to the post on Wednesday last week.

Fifsheen has 20 years of experience in the banking sector, with the Bank of Maldives being her primary workplace. Her journey in the industry began in 2003, during which she held key positions such as Head of Cards, Head of Channel Management, and Head of Acquiring and Digital Payments.

Fifsheen earned her MBA from Edith Cowan University in Australia and her undergraduate degree from Curtin University, also in Australia.

Ahmed Zinad was previously the Managing Director of SDFC, which was set up to provide easy financial support to small and medium enterprises. He had been Managing Director since its inception in March 2019.

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