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Women allocated 30 percent from agricultural loan scheme

Mariyam Malsa
09 March 2020, MVT 18:43
Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resource and Agriculture Zaha Waheed. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
09 March 2020, MVT 18:43

The Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resource and Agriculture, on Sunday, announced that 30 percent of funds from the state's agricultural loan scheme 'Dhanduveri Nafaa', was allocated for women.

Announced on International Women's Day, the purpose of the allocation is to guarantee female participation in the effort to ensure that Maldivian agriculture is conducted in an environment friendly and sustainable manner as well as to instigate progress within the industry.

The measure was introduced under the provision in the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) which stipulates the formulation and commencement of a loan scheme from the SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC) in order to increase financial and technical assistance available to agricultural businesses.

The loan scheme covers urban agriculture, protected agriculture, vertical agriculture, agroforestry, poultry farming and animal husbandry.

Application forms will be available from SDFC and the Agriculture Ministry. Interested individuals can submit application forms to SDFC.