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241 Committee Summons Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, police for closed meeting

Parliament's 241 committee summoned Minister Ihusan and senior officials of the police to provide detailed confidential information in relation to undocumented expatriates, theft and other crimes.

Malika Shahid
01 July 2024, MVT 13:49
Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Minister Ali Ihusaan attends Parliament's Committee on National Security Services (241) last week
Malika Shahid
01 July 2024, MVT 13:49

Parliament's Committee on National Security Services (241 Committee) recently held a closed-door meeting with Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Minister Ali Ihusan along with senior officials of the police service.

The 241 Committee's agenda today included meetings with the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology and the police.

Committee Chairman, MP Ahmed Saleem from Eydhafushi, mentioned that Minister Ihusan had previously committed to providing additional confidential information during an earlier meeting with the committee.

Last week, the Ministry of Homeland Security was summoned to the 241 Committee, where the Minister discussed issues related to undocumented expatriates in the Maldives, theft, and other crimes.

Today's meeting was held to provide a detailed presentation of this information. Therefore, MP Saleem requested that the committee meeting be kept secret as planned.

MP Abdulla Shareef from Kelaa proposed maintaining secrecy for the committee meeting, a suggestion that was supported by Hulhudhoo MP Mohamed Shahid and unanimously approved by others present.