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Government launches massive drive to address migrant crisis, all illegal migrants to be sent back

Lamya Abdulla
08 December 2023, MVT 17:08
(FILE) Foreign workers in Maldives protesting in Hulhumale' on July 13, 2020: According to last year's census, there were 97,164 foreigners in the Maldives. --Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
08 December 2023, MVT 17:08

Maldives Immigration Services decide to launch a massive operation to tackle the issue of illegal immigrants in Maldives.

The issue of illegal immigrants in the Maldives has become more drastic. During the previous government, efforts were underway to re-document and register them. A number of migrant workers were repatriated to their countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a satisfactory solution to the problem was not achieved.

Maldives Immigration Services stated in a release on Thursday that they have decided to launch operations to find a swift solution to the problem of illegal immigrants in the Maldives.

The operations will focus on verifying the identity and visas of foreigners, aiming to bring those who violate immigration laws into compliance with the rules.

"As this special operation continues, we would like to inform you that immigration laws will continue to be applied to individuals working in the Maldives in violation of immigration laws and those living in the country without valid permits," it said.

Immigration Controller Mohamed Sham'aan Mohamed Waheed told Mihaaru News that all illegal immigrants will be deported during the operation.

The purpose of such an initiative is to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the country and ensure that migrants living in the country for work comply with the regulations.

It also emphasized that measures should be taken by involving those who bring in foreigners to work, government ministries, foreign embassies, citizens, and all relevant stakeholders.

According to last year's census, there were 97,164 foreigners in the Maldives, with 32,470 residing in the Malé City.