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Doctors protest in Bangladesh over security issues

A Maldivian student studying at the college speaking with Mihaaru News said that the escalating security issues have led to the protest. The two Maldivian doctors involved in the recent incident have reportedly faced multiple attacks in the past as well.

Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 17:26
Chattogram Medical College Hospital
Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 17:26

Students and professors at Chattogram Medical College Hospital in Chattogram, Bangladesh, have staged a protest outside the college, expressing their frustration over escalating attacks on doctors.

The protest was triggered after two Maldivian female doctors were assaulted by a patient's family the previous evening. The attack was allegedly in response to the doctors administering a wrong injection to a patient who had suffered a heart attack. However, reports indicate that no injections were administered by the doctors after their shift began at 15:00 hrs.

A Maldivian student studying at the college speaking with Mihaaru News said that the escalating security issues have led to the protest. The two Maldivian doctors involved in the recent incident have reportedly faced multiple attacks in the past as well.

The director of the hospital has acknowledged the concerns and stated that security measures will be tightened in the coming days to ensure the safety of medical staff.

The assault took place as the doctors approached the patient’s family to obtain his identity card for preparing his death certificate, following his death in the ward. The attackers struck one doctor on the shoulder, pulled the other doctor’s arm, and used abusive language.

Senior hospital staff intervened and took the doctors to a storeroom for their safety, where they remained for about two hours until the situation at the hospital calmed down.

Security personnel at Chattogram Medical College are currently on strike, leaving the hospital without security guards.

It has been revealed that the hospital management is currently in discussions with the students to address the issue.

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