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Naseer to join sessions of UK's most reputable coach, Michael Johnson

Naseer, who is currently in Scotland undertaking the educational program offered to him earlier in May by Scottish Athletics has been given the opportunity to work together with one of UK's most successful coaches, Michael Johnson.

Aishath Shuba Solih
09 June 2024, MVT 16:05
Naseer Ismail coaching a young student at Naseer Sports Academy.
Aishath Shuba Solih
09 June 2024, MVT 16:05

Former running champion and current coach at the Naseer Sports Academy (NSA), Naseer Ismail has been offered the chance to participate in the sessions of one of UK's most successful coaches, Michael Johnson.

Naseer Ismail is currently in Scotland, undertaking a coaching education course at the national athletics administration of the country, Scottish Athletics, through an opportunity presented to him earlier in May under Maldives Athletics Project (MAP), a project commenced to assist Maldives in advancing the country's athletics.

Scotland features the most successful athletics system renowned worldwide with Scottish athletes having claimed victory in the recent World Athletics Championship and Indonesia World Athletic Championship as well.

The Athletics Federation of Scotland is currently preparing for the Olympics held next month under the guidance of Johnson, now over 60 years of age.

Under this opportunity extended to Naseer, arrangements have been made for him to work alongside Johnson for two days.

"Through these sessions, they have arranged the opportunity for me to work together with Mike (Johnson). In introducing him to me, members of the Scottish Athletics told me that he is the most reputable coach in all of England," shared Naseer on a phone call.

"He was previously in retirement but began working once again under the request of the Scottish Athletics. Olympics preparation procedures are also supervised by him," Naseer elaborated.

Michael Johnson, one of UK's most successful coaches.

Johnson had made multiple notable contributions in his field, having also served as a long-term endurance coach for the Scottish athletics teams during the Olympics and the Commonwealth games.

Naseer had highlighted that this opportunity to undertake an educational training course at Scotland was presented to him at the most opportune time.

"Olympics preparations are ongoing at the most rigorous level. Arrangement are made to facilitate participation in the trainings of several coaches of the Olympics team," said Naseer.

"Knowledge-wise also, these are great sessions," He added.

To complete the program, Naseer must work towards enhancing Maldives athletes' performance in light of the knowledge and experience gained through the program.

Some goals Naseer must achieve

- Work towards building exposure and secure more opportunity for Maldives' athletics in collaboration with Scottish Athletics

- Focus on training coaches for the sustainable continuation of the Maldives Athletics Plan (MAP).

- Aim to achieve personal and national goals

Naseer said that he hopes of driving progress and advancement for Maldives' athletics by implementing fresh visions and ideas gained from his experiences during this trip.

This opportunity, offered by Scotland, was granted to Naseer through Nigel Hetherington, a Sports Science Expert of Scotland, who visited Maldives back in April. Before concluding his vacation in the country, Hetherington also paid a visit to Naseer at his residence.

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