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Aniyaa: An album in memory of Shiau

Anaan Bushry
06 February 2023, MVT 12:14
Anaan Bushry
06 February 2023, MVT 12:14

Baiskoafu's in-house band, "Humblebakari," has released an album titled "Aniyaa" in remembrance of Shiau Mohamed Saeed, who was brutally murdered in August last year.

Shiau was a regular at jam sessions with Humblebakari before her untimely death. When the band realised that five of the songs that had come out of their jam sessions together could be turned into an album, they made the decision to create an album and dedicate it to her.

The band members said they were deeply impacted by Shiau's tragic passing and that their usually exciting jam sessions had become humdrum. This prompted them to do something to honour her memory.

Moosa Adam Manik ("KJ") joined the band when sessions were on hiatus after Shiau's death. The album, called "Aniyaa," which translates to "torture," was produced and recorded by "KJ" and consists of nine songs. It was released last week in memory of Shiau.

All the songs except for "Vaikolhu" and "Thari" in the album, were written by the band during their sessions with Shiau. These two songs were written exclusively for Shiau by "KJ" after her passing.

The album features three songs in which Shiau's voice can be heard. The album is now available for streaming on the Baiskoafu app.

"We just want everyone to remember what a talented young woman she was and to keep the memory of her alive through this album," the band said in a statement.

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