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President questions MDP's sincerity over seeking Majlis majority to ensure housing

President questions why MDP has presently not issued flats if it can be done with parliament majority and claims that the opposition party's speeches lacks any sincerity.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 March 2024, MVT 18:07
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu attending the ceremony held in Hulhumale to open the campaign booth of parliamentary candidate of the Vilufushi constituency, Hassan Waheed -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 March 2024, MVT 18:07

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has directed a question at the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) last night, inquiring why housing has not been secured for residents of Male' City during the last five years if it could be achieved with the majority of the parliament.

Speaking at the ceremony held in Hulhumale last night to open the campaign booth of parliamentary candidate, Hassan Waheed competing in the parliamentary elections slated for April 21 under the People's National Congress (PNC) and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) coalition ticket of Thaa atoll Vilufushi Constituency, President Dr Muizzu said that MDP has been requesting for majority of the parliament in order to acquire the housing flats and land plots allocated during former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s administration.

President Muizzu further questioned why the party has not achieved this during the past five years of their tenure and the preceding four months while assuming the super majority of the parliament.

The opposition party, MDP holds the majority of the parliament at present.

“If sincere, can it really only be done by securing majority of another election? Such talks are not at all spoken with sincerity.” said the President.

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu speaking at the ceremony held in Hulhumale to open the campaign booth of parliamentary candidate of the Vilufushi constituency, Hassan Waheed -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News

He reiterated that this administration has been fulfilling its pledges from the presidential election and recalled the vow made during that time on issuing land plots without altering any of the locations, assuring the administration will conduct themselves in adherence to this.

President Muizzu maintained that it is his desire to ensure all residents of the country are ascertained suitable housing conditions amid the five years of his tenure.

He had further revealed that the Ministry of Housing, Land, and Urban Development has been requested to closely supervise the investigation begun into the housing flats issued during the former government by an independent institution and assured that he does not wish for any citizen’s name to be excluded.

“I do not want anyone’s name to be excluded [from the list]. If there is anyone who doesn’t acquire [housing] this time, with God's will, they will be allocated flats through the soonest upcoming project. All residents of Male' will be issued flats and land from Male’ regions. And housing will also be arranged for the citizens living ouside Male’ as well."

Anti Corruption Committee (ACC) had declared that the former government had issued housing flats unjustly after inspecting the procedures for allocation. Opposition MDP has been heavily criticizing the Commission and the State regarding the matter.