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Will provide Thoriq the chance to appeal: FAM

Mariyath Mohamed
12 January 2024, MVT 13:29
male dharubaaruge may 2016: FAM,football association maldives congress 2016 fam president thorig
Mariyath Mohamed
12 January 2024, MVT 13:29

Football Association of Maldives (FAM) has stated that it will ensure that Ahmed Thoriq (Tom) receives the opportunity to appeal the cancellation of his candidacy for the association's election.

Thoriq's candidacy was cancelled after an issue arose of Club Valencia having provided endorsement letters to both candidates running in the elections. As per FIFA rules, a club can only endorse a single candidate.

As FAM regulations stipulate that a candidate should have a minimum of three endorsements from first division cups, Thoriq got disqualified as with the cancellation of Valencia's letter, he only possesses two endorsements. His opponent Mufaviz Hashim (Mufa) is still able to contest and he came with a total of five endorsements.

With the electoral committee of FAM disqualifying Thoriq's candidacy, he is automatically granted a three day window in which he can appeal the decision. As per the regulations, a decision on the appeal needs to be made within three days of its submittance.

However, there are presently concerns around the legitimacy of the Appeal Committee of the FAM itself.

"We will ascertain the legality of the FAM Appeal Committee. It is Tom (Thoriq)'s right to be able to appeal the decision. We will ensure he is granted that right," an FAM official told Mihaaru News.

Should Thoriq not win the appeal, a vote will be taken to elect Mufaviz as the President of the association on January 31.

Thoriq's Valencia endorsement letter, which was rejected by FAM, was signed by the club's Chairman Abdulla Azmeen.

The letter endorsing Mufaviz was signed by the club's Vice Chairman Ilmau Hussain (Mau).

The matter has caused friction within the club, dividing it into two factions.

The faction that supports Mufaviz submitted documents to the Commissioner of Sports, claiming that Azmeen was removed from his post with votes from the majority of the board members.

However, the Commissioner of Sports maintains that Azmeen remains the Chairman of the club as the said vote was taken in a meeting that was held against the club regulations, excluding Azmeen from the proceedings and headed by Ilmau.

Meanwhile, the club's board registered as signatories at the AFC portal consists of a past board constitution. At that time, Azmeen was serving as the club's general secretary. As per the portal, the Club's President Raslaan Adeel Jaleel, Vice President Ilmau and General Secretary Azmeen are official signatories of the club.

Therefore, both endorsement letters were ruled to be legitimate. Nevertheless, they were both cancelled as FIFA regulations do not allow a club to simultaneously endorse more than one candidate.

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