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Strong winds blow away Dhidhhoo row-house roofing

Row-houses in HA. Dhidhhoo sustained damages during overnight bad weather.

Ameera Osmanagic
15 May 2024, MVT 09:11
Roof replacement of affected row-houses happening in HA. Dhidhhoo -- Photo: Dhidhhoo Council
Ameera Osmanagic
15 May 2024, MVT 09:11

Bad weather up north of Maldives on Monday night has resulted in major damages of the row-house flats in the island of Dhidhhoo, located in Haa Alif atoll.

According to Island Council President Abdulla Rasheed, heavy rainfall and thunder on Monday night was followed by a strong gush of wind around 04:00 am which blew over the roofing of six residential row-houses in the island.

As a temporary solution, the council is working with relevant authorities to replace the roofs as soon as possible. The incident also resulted in damage to furniture as well, Rasheed said.

"We are currently fixing previously used roofing sheets temporarily to [make the row-houses] liveable for the time being. A permanent solution will come about when we receive proper roofing sheets," he added.

The damage is now being assessed in coordination with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), including those reported from other parts of the island.

Maldives has now entered it's rainy monsoon 'Hulhan'gu' (southwest) which typically lasts from May til November and is the strongest around June-July.

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