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Elderly man injured by racing bike collision remains in ICU

According to family members, the man who sustained injuries in a racing motorcycle accident on 22 March is still being treated in the ICU.

Hanaan Hussain
09 April 2024, MVT 16:00
ADK Hospital
Hanaan Hussain
09 April 2024, MVT 16:00

According to family members, the man who sustained injuries in a racing motorcycle accident on 22 March is still being treated in the ICU.

Ali Naseer, 69, from HA. Kelaa, was hit by a young man who had been speeding on a racing bike near his house, as he was returning home from Tarawih prayers performed at the nearby Masjid-al Rasheed in Hulhumalé.

The injured Ali Naseer had first been treated in the ICU at Hulhumalé Hospital before being transferred to ADK Hospital at the request of his family.

Ali Naseer's son Mohamed Saif revealed that his father was still in the ICU, and that doctor's had said his condition had slowly started to improve.

The accident caused severe injuries to Ali Naseer, who suffered lung damage and bleeding in his brain caused by a deep five-inch gash on his head.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has arrested a 27-year-old man in connection to investigations in this case.

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