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Villa College Begins Staff Grants Program for Research Advancement

Anaan Bushry
24 February 2024, MVT 07:12
Vice Rector of Research and Innovation at Villa College, Dr. Mohamed Adil said the grant will be given to the staff of Villa College. Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru News
Anaan Bushry
24 February 2024, MVT 07:12

Villa College has begun its annual research grant aimed at fostering research endeavors across various domains to support the professional growth and advancement of its faculty members.

Annually, the college allocates this grant to facilitate research in national development, educational spheres, and areas pertinent to the college's progress and enhancement.

Dr. Mohamed Adil, the Deputy Vice Rector of Research and Innovation at Villa College, emphasized that preference will be given to proposals aligning with the UN Sustainability Goals.

Following the submission of proposals, evaluations will be conducted to determine the recipients of the grant, which amounts to a total of MVR 500,000. Dr. Adil highlighted that proposals will be allocated based to fit into this designated budget.

He further noted that institutes, organizations, non-governmental organizations, and individuals can also join as secondary parti3cipants. Additionally, collaborative proposals with external institutes will receive favorable consideration during the grant allocation process.

Interested parties have until April 30, 2024, to apply for the grant. Upon selection, recipients will have 18 months to conduct their research, with an additional month allocated for publishing their findings.

To aid Villa College staff in the application process, informational sessions and a workshop will be organized.

Furthermore, research papers resulting from this grant will be published in an international journal, and researchers will have the opportunity to present their work at an international conference.

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