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MP Eva submits parliamentary motion to review reappointment of ministers

Stating that the reappointment of previously rejected ministers by the parliament is an act that challenges the authority of the parliament, while also defying the constitution, MP Eva Abdulla has submitted a resolution to the parliament.

Aishath Shuba Solih
01 February 2024, MVT 14:14
MP Eva Abdulla of the Northern Galolhu Constituency -- Photo: People's Parliament
Aishath Shuba Solih
01 February 2024, MVT 14:14

Northern Galolhu Constituency member, Eva Abdulla has proposed a resolution to the parliament stating that the employment of previously rejected ministers by the parliament contravenes the constitution.

The resolution details that the reappointment of the three ministers rejected through the parliamentary approval vote is an act that immobilizes the parliament’s stature. It further highlights that such acts rob the parliament of their power to monitor the performances of the governing body and hold them accountable.

Eva stated in the resolution that the constitution stipulates that ministers of the civic body must gain parliamentary approval before assuming a position at a ministry and that the constitution clearly outlines that ministers without approval from the parliament cannot continue their cabinet roles.

“While three ministers have been reappointed and begun assuming their duties, this decision clearly challenges the legal authority of the Parliament and goes against the constitution,” the resolution states.

The resolution calls for the government to act in accordance with the Constitution as actions such as this may implicate the government and cause to lose confidence in them.

Maldives Democratic Party (MDP), the party that holds the majority of the parliament, had decided to disapprove 4 of the 22 members hired by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu for the cabinet. Three out of these four failed to garner the necessary number of votes to gain parliamentary approval.

However, without much delay, the President Dr. Mohamed Muizz had reinstated them to their positions.

These three ministers are Islamic Minister, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Attorney General Ahmed Usham and Housing Minister, Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed.

Nevertheless, questions have been raised whether the president is entitled to perform such acts under the constituency. Opposition parties, MDP and The Democrats, also do not believe that such acts are within the rights of the president.

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