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Limited slots opened for Ooredoo Fun Run

Shafqa Abdulraheem
10 December 2023, MVT 15:46
An Ooredoo Fun Run event: A large number of people have registered in the race. -- Photo: Ooredoo
Shafqa Abdulraheem
10 December 2023, MVT 15:46

Ooredoo has reopened limited slots for its anticipated "Fun Run" on December 22.

Ooredoo stated that it opened the opportunity with "limited slots" upon the request of a large number of people.

With over 5,000 registrations already, the event welcomes participants of all ages, featuring "inflatable obstacles" and vibrant color events.

There will also be a drone race on the morning the event day to make this year's 'Fun Run' weekend a different, fun weekend, said Ooredoo. This will be the first drone race to be held in Maldives so far. The drone race is now open for participation.

Fun Run kits are sold through Moolee, in two categories. These include the standard kit for MVR 100 with a Fun Run T-shirt and wristband, and the Fun Kit which includes a Fun Run T-shirt, a wristband, a cloth bag, sunglasses, and a bandana for MVR 200.

Ooredoo has also offered the opportunity to customize and order bibs for this year's Fun Run participants through Moolee. Ooredoo 'Fun Run' is the Ooredoos previous rebranding of their 'Color Run' event.

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