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Reading park established in Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo under BML Community Fund

Anaan Bushry
09 July 2023, MVT 13:54
Sstudents of Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo School reading at the outdoor reading park established under the assistance of BML Community Fund. -- Photo: BML
Anaan Bushry
09 July 2023, MVT 13:54

Bank of Maldives (BML) Community Fund has provided assistance for the opening of an outdoor reading park at Milandhoo School in Shaviyani Atoll.

The outdoor reading park was developed by the island-based NGO, Milandhoo Sports Club, on the occasion of the school's 75th anniversary. The aim of the project is to foster love for reading among school students and create a stimulating environment for them to engage with books.

“We hope that with this initiative, the students get the opportunity and space to experience and understand the importance of reading,” vice-president of Milandhoo Sports Club, Ahmed Sameeh said.

BML's Community Fund, is a program aimed at empowering NGOs to make sustainable contributions to their communities. Through this fund, BML has provided financial assistance to support 90 projects throughout the country so far.

The bank has recently announced the 10 winning proposals for the first phase of its Community Fund for this year.

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