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Juvenile assault case in Milandhoo with repercussions to students

Mohamed Rehan
18 May 2022, MVT 17:57
Poster of a child as seen through a keyhole, to illustrate the topic of child abuse. PHOTO/FREEPIK
Mohamed Rehan
18 May 2022, MVT 17:57

The administration of Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo has decided to place rigorous monitoring protocols on student behavior with strict penal action.

Moreover, the decision has stemmed from a recent altercation that involved a group juvenile students violently beating one of their peers in the island's forest area.

Video clips of the violent altercation have been shared on multiple social media platforms, which has ignited public outcry over the incident.

The clips show a group of juveniles dragging another child by his shirt into the jungle after which the group violently attacks the lone victim with sticks multiple times. The clips further showed the culprits beating the child with their fists as well.

Following this incident, Milandhoo council has released a new directive ordering that children attending school will have specific hours of between 16:00hrs to 18:00hrs designated for sports activities at playgrounds.

Moreover, the new council directive has prohibited children from attending playgrounds after dusk, especially during night.

Students who attend for extra-curricular sports activities in civilian clothes will be restricted entry into playgrounds and asked to leave the premises.

In addition to this, children who attend mosques for prayers, but instead are found outside the premises engaged in activities of hooliganism will have strict measures taken against them.

Additional restrictions include a complete barring on public gatherings of children during night without adult supervision as well as attending to venues such as cafes and restaurants without any guardian or parent.

Council further asserted that children cannot visit the beach for swimming without the presence of a guardian or parent while they have been ordered to leave the beach latest by 10:45hrs on Friday mornings.

The authority had identified an alarming increment of juvenile gangs in the island, while several children gather publicly without adult supervision that eventually lead to public nuisance or other issues.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services claimed that the authority has taken necessary action against those who were found culpable in the act.

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