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Mega promotes upcoming operations at India’s tourism fair

Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 October 2016, MVT 11:32
Mega Maldives Airlines' stall at Bharat International Tourism Bazaar (BTIB) in India. PHOTO/MEGA MALDIVES
Fathmath Shaahunaz
07 October 2016, MVT 11:32

Local aviation giant Mega Maldives Airlines is participating in the largest tourism fair in India to promote its upcoming flight operations to the South Asian neighbour.

In a statement, the only privately owned local airline to operate internationally from the Maldives announced its participation in Bharat International Tourism Bazaar (BITB), which is hosted in alliance with ITB Berlin, the largest travel and tourism fair in the world.

Mega Maldives stated that BTIB is a great opportunity for the airline to promote its upcoming operations to Indian capital New Delhi and Mumbai.

In addition to Mega Maldives, Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) and a number of luxury resorts, guesthouses and travel agents of the Maldives are also promoting at BTIB.

India is the fastest progressing market for the Maldives tourism. Statistics show that 34,884 tourists to the archipelago had hailed from India by the end of last July, which is an increase of 21.5 percent from the previous year.

India’s Ministry of Civil Aviation authorised Mega Maldives to commence flights to New Delhi and Mumbai last September.

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