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MNDF officer Zaidhan who passed away in shark attack honoured with military funeral

Corporal Mohamed Zaidhan passed away from his injuries in a shark attack and received a military funeral in his home island of R. Ungoofaaru.

Ameera Osmanagic
03 June 2024, MVT 21:34
Corporal Mohamed Zaidhan's family was presented with the flag which was laid on his coffin during his funeral -- Photo: MNDF
Ameera Osmanagic
03 June 2024, MVT 21:34

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) officer Corporal Mohamed Zaidhan, who tragically lost his life last night after a shark attacked him during a high risk training, has been buried in his home island of Raa atoll Ungoofaaru in full military honour.

His funeral took place after Asr prayers (afternoon prayer) at the Ungoofaaru Islamic Center, and was conducted with second-grade official honours, including a seven-gun salute.

Corporal Zaidhan's funeral was attended by MNDF's Northern Area Commander Brigadier General Ismail Shareef, Adjutant General, Brigadier General Abdulla Ibrahim, and Coast Guard Commandant Brigadier General Mohamed Saleem, who all met with the late officer's family and conveyed their condolences.

Alongside high ranking officers, Corporal Zaidhan's funeral was attended by many locals from Ungoofaaru.

Following the funeral proceedings, the national flag which was placed on Corporal Zaidhan's coffin was presented to his family.

According to MNDF, Corporal Zaidhan passed away while receiving treatment for the injuries he sustained in the shark attack while training in the sea near Laamu atoll Maavah island.

In mourning the death of Corporal Zaidhan, the army flag will be lowered to half mast at all MNDF bases for two days.

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