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Police reveal identities of 7 arrested for extortion in Hiyaa flat

Maldives Police Service revealed information of the individuals accused of blackmail and extortion of victims lured into a Hiyaa flat.

Ameera Osmanagic
13 June 2024, MVT 21:46
Maldives Police Service providing information about the seven accused of kidnapping and blackmailing their victims for extortion at a Hiyaa Apartment -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
13 June 2024, MVT 21:46

Maldives Police Service (MPS) today revealed the identities of the seven individuals arrested in connection with stripping, blackmailing and then extorting money out of the older male victims they lured and held hostage in Hiyaa Flat apartments.

In a press conference held at Iskandharu Koshi today, Head of Police for Hulhumalé Phase 2, Superintendent of Police Rajnee Shuaib revealed that a total of five cases have been filed with Maldives Police Service by victims who got lured into H5-03-18 flats and subsequently blackmailed.

The timeline of these cases spans from January to May. One incident occurred in January, three in April, and the most recent incident took place last month. However, he highlighted that some cases have not been reported due to fears of endangering the safety of the individuals involved, as the crimes are committed by individuals with various criminal backgrounds, including those involved in leaking pornographic content.

Those arrested in connection to the crimes are:

- Aminath Humaina Zakariyya (age 24, M. Goabiligasdhoshuge)

- Aayath Abbaas (age 30, Male' Dhaftharu register number 1835)

- Mohamed Azam (age 43, Palace House, GA. Dhaandhoo)

- Samaah Ali (age 31, G. Kan'dhumaage Aage)

- Mohamed Muneer (age 35, Sunflower, Dh. Kudahuvadhoo)

- Ahmed Maajidh (Age, 33, Hifaz, N. Velidhoo)

An additional individual identified as Ahmed Madheeh, 34 (MA. Scenery View was also arrested in connection to the luring, stripping and blackmailing an individual at the same apartment on April 22. However, he was released from remand after 15 days following his arrest.

All seven individuals arrested in connection to this case have various criminal backgrounds.

Aminath Humaina and Ayath Abbas are believed to be the masterminds behind all five crimes. However, Rajnee said that Humaina has been released from custody without being presented to court considering her medical condition as she is currently pregnant.

Her six accomplices, however, remain in custody for a period of 15 days.

Police also revealed that they suspect additional individuals may have been involved in these crimes, and that authorities are currently searching for them.

Additional information revealed that the apartment being used for these crimes was awarded to a parent of Humaina, and that other people in connection to Humaina also frequent the said apartment.

Rajnee went on to say that people were lured into the apartment under the pretext of prostitution. He went onto say that the group created various social media accounts pretending to be women and advertised prostitution. After having sexual relationships with their victims, they would then blackmail them and extort large amounts of money and mobile devices from them.

Humaina and Aayath also approached older men near Hiyaa Flats and formed relationships with them promising sexual relationships, police revealed. These victims were also subject to threats and blackmail.

In all cases, the complaints were filed claiming blackmail and extortion of money after forcibly taking the victims to the Hiyaa Flat apartment. However, cctv footage showed that they went to the location of their own free will, police detailed. Upon discovering that police discovered that they went of their own accord, many refused to continue pressing charges.

the apartment in question was previously also searched in connection to sale and use of drugs. With the apartment repeatedly being used for criminal activity, police have informed HDC and are now working to resolve the issue.

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