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Ibu pledges to restore relationships with Qatar, Iran, Commonwealth

Shaina Abdulla
11 August 2018, MVT 11:37
Opposition coalition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu)
Shaina Abdulla
11 August 2018, MVT 11:37

Opposition coalition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) has pledged to restore relationships with Qatar, Iran and the Commonwealth of Nations in an administration of the opposition.

Speaking on local media Raajje TV, Solih stated that the Maldives has faced snags due to the strains in bilateral relationship and expressed hope in restoring them.

He added that countries such as Qatar can play a key role in developments across the country, such as in the education sector with the provision of scholarships.

Solih further claimed that the youth of the country has lost these opportunities due to strained bilateral ties during President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s regime.

Hinnavaru MP Solih criticized President Yameen’s foreign policy stating that Maldives is straying further due to the current foreign policy.

The government announced June 5, 2017 that it is severing all diplomatic relations with Qatar under the Maldives’ policy against supporters of terrorism and extremism. The declaration came just hours after Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Libya cut ties with Qatar, accusing Qatar of backing terrorist and extremist organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran-backed rebels in Middle-east countries.

In 2016, Maldives exited the Commonwealth of Nations after pro government majority in the parliament ruled that the Commonwealth had continuously treated the Maldives unfairly and attempted to infringe the sovereignty the island nation.