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Damages from sexual offense up to MVR 2.7 M

Mohamed Rehan
06 November 2022, MVT 16:40
A previously demonstration advocating against sexual offenses--
Mohamed Rehan
06 November 2022, MVT 16:40

Victims of sexual offenses can claim damages up to MVR 2.7 million, according to recent amendments.

The Sexual Offenses Act of the Maldives guarantees victims to claim for economic loss and adverse economic loss from their convicted perpetrators. The law grants discretion to the courts on setting out the compensation amount depending on case facts.

According to regulations formulated by Department of Judicial Administration (DJA), damages are calculable with reference to the impact on the victim's health. Victims reporting loss of sensation or movement from limbs are subjected to the highest possible compensation, which is between MVR 480,000 to MVR 2.7 million. The second most severe impact is psychiatric damages, or damages to the victim's mental faculty with a maximum compensation of MVR 1.9 million. Loss of movement from either side of the victim's body is subject to claim damages between MVR 297,000 to MVR 1.9 million.

Under the regulation, the lowest calculable damage is MVR 5,500 for victims reporting damages to their eardrums.

Moreover, regulations guarantee alleged perpetrators can be enforced to pay damages despite the claims against them have not been proven at trial, or even if they have not been legally charged.

Regulations also demand sexual offense cases should be tried and concluded within a six month duration from the date of case registration at the court of first instance. Appeals should be concluded within a duration of 90 days as per the same regulations.

The duration is calculated with the exclusion of public or government holidays.