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MP Shujau accuses former Fenaka MD Saeed of fraud, says will investigate

MP Ibrahim Shujau accused former Fenaka MD Ahmed Saeed Mohamed of embezzling and committing fraud during his time at the company.

Ameera Osmanagic
27 June 2024, MVT 08:48
MP of Baarah constituency Ibrahim Shujau speaking at the parliament -- Photo: Parliament
Ameera Osmanagic
27 June 2024, MVT 08:48

Accusing former Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited Ahmed Saeed Mohamed of committing major fraud during his time at the company, MP of Baarah constituency Ibrahim Shujau today said he would have Saeed investigated.

Speaking on the emergency motion filed about Fenaka to the parliament, MP Shujau said that 7,000 employees were hired to the company between 2022 and 2023 during former ruling party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s regime.

Some of those employees were hired for non-existent power plants, he accused.

Shujau went onto say that while Fenaka was about MVR 4 billion in debt by the end of MDP's administration, Fenaka had sponsored the establish of Bank of Maldives (BML)'s ATM machines as CSR projects.

He also revealed that Fenaka donated televisions to all islands of the country ahead of the World Cup football tournament in 2022.

"When [we] looked at the books after all this was done, the company is MVR 4 billion in debt. This is the people's tax money," Shujau said.

Shujau further accused the company of buying an international award for Saeed while he was the MD despite the company being in such heavy debt.

He went on to say that the condition of Baarah constituency power plants deteriorated so much due to the way Fenaka was operated and said he would have the matter investigated and action taken.

"[We're] now starting to investigate. People from all companies which embezzled from the public's money will be summoned. No one should be under the impression that they can escape after embezzling from the state. No one can escape," he said.

Shujau went on to say that the current government has only employed 1,620 employees since it came onto power in 2023. He also added that the government also let go of 1,780 temporary employees after their agreements expired.

However, the current administration is now having to shoulder the responsibility of all the fraud carried out in the state owned enterprise during the previous administration, Shujau also said.