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Shadhiya and Dr Shazra's remand extended by five days

According to the police, the women were detained for repeatedly gathering near diplomatic embassies, using loudspeakers to create noise, shouting, and using foul language, which allegedly caused disturbances to the embassies and their ambassadors.

Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 17:32
The two individuals arrested for protesting near the embassies located in Male'
Malika Shahid
01 September 2024, MVT 17:32

The Criminal Court extended the remand of two women, Aishath Shadhiya and Dr Shazra Ibrahim, who were arrested for protesting against Israel near several embassies in Malé.

The court initially ordered their remand for three days, which has now been extended by an additional five days.

Aishath Shadhiya, who is the wife of Islamic scholar Dr Mohamed Iyaz, and Dr Shazra Ibrahim were arrested during a protest condemning Israel's ongoing strikes on Palestine.

According to the police, the women were detained for repeatedly gathering near diplomatic embassies, using loudspeakers to create noise, shouting, and using foul language, which allegedly caused disturbances to the embassies and their ambassadors.

The police stated that despite multiple requests for the protesters to stop their actions, the women continued, leading to their arrest.

Both Shadhiya and Shazra advocate for the Palestinian cause, calling for the banning of Israeli passports and the boycott of brands supporting Israel.

Their arrest has sparked concern among the Adaalath Party, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), and the public.

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