Huraa wins against Kurendhoo.
Areen Abdulla Ibrahim's goal during Huraa's match against Kurendhoo has scored the team a win, rekindling hope for a spot in the second round of the Ninety Plus Gold Cup.
The match ended with a score of 1-0, which Areen scored in the 74th minute of the match as a penalty shoot.
This is the first match Huraa won in the tournament. The first match was against Guraidhoo, which Guraidhoo won. However, winning this second match has garnered the team three points and second place in group C.
Guraidhoo is currently leading the group with four points after drawing with Addu City last night, which currently has two points. Kurendhoo currently has only one point from its win against Addu City.
During the match today, just three minutes before the match ended, Kurendhoo's Abdulla Nabaah Ahmed tackled Huraa's Thashmeen, causing him to fall. This resulted in Nabaah getting a second yellow card, totalling his cards to a red.
Huraa was more on attack during the first half, with Areen attempting to score. However, it flew over the goal post, while the team's Tashmeen and Mohamed Shaan were also unsuccessful in scoring.
Kurendhoo got a clear scoring opportunity during the second hald, however, Huraa's keeper blocked Kurendhoo captain Ashham Ibrahim Mohamed's attempt.
Tonight group D's Alifushi and Naifaru will face off against each other in Galolhu stadium.
Areen celebrating his goal during the match -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru