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With Fahuman's skillful play, Mahibadhoo gains new resolve

Mahibadhoo Sports Club wins two matches played against JJ and LT with the help of spectacular plays by Fahuman and Shuad, securing six points during three matches, standing a chance to qualify to the Knockout play.

Aishath Shuba Solih
21 January 2024, MVT 11:09
2nd Division 2023: Mahibadhoo SC VS JJ SC
Aishath Shuba Solih
21 January 2024, MVT 11:09

With Adam Fahuman's great play, Mahibadhoo Sports Club defeats LT sports club and stands a chance to play at the Second Division Football's Knockout play.

Despite facing a loss during their match with Masodi Sports Club, they secured victory in their second match with JJ Sports Club. With the added triumph against LT, Mahibadhoo team has now stapled six points in three matches.

Spotting an opportunity at the corner, Shuad Saeed sent the ball in the goal with an impressive head shot during the first 10 minutes of the play. LT's Adam Lareef evened the score 9 minutes later by niftily utilizing a penalty chance.

Mahibadhoo, however, took the lead once again during the first half's extra time with a formidable edge goal sent in by Shuad.

In the 64th minute of the game, the talent of Adam Fahumaan who dominated the ball during a rebound, was revealed, widening their lead margin. Three minutes later, he scored the fifth goal of the game with a head shot sent over the keeper's head.

This is Fahuman's third goal of the tournament. During the game that determined their win against JJ, Fahuman had also contributed extensively to the defense of his team.

In this Group Stage, the remaining match of Mahibadhoo faces them off with Kuda Henveyru Unit. Kuda Henveyru has achieved victory of both the matches they have played so far and is regarded as a favorite of this Group Stage.

In addition to the first and second team, the Quarter also offers a chance for two third place teams of each group with the most impressive results to proceed.

After being relegated in the 2015 Premier League's first Championship, Mahibadhoo had proceeded to the Second Division Semi-finals the following year. However, they have not been able to pass the Group Stage after that.

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