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Ex-pres Nasheed meets UN Human Rights' High Commissioner

Aishath Mihna Nasih
22 February 2017, MVT 10:40
Aishath Mihna Nasih
22 February 2017, MVT 10:40


Former President Nasheed (R) meet with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Bin Ra’sd Zeid al-Hussein

Self-exiled Former President Mohamed Nasheed on Tuesday met with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Bin Ra’sd Zeid al-Hussein.

According to a press statement released by Nasheed’s Office, the meeting focused on the current political situation of the Maldives.

The statement published cited the High Commissioner that the situation of the Maldives is being closely monitored. He assured Nasheed of his efforts to try to provide a free and fair presidential election in 2018.

Noting his concerns about the island nation, the High Commissioner further declared that he will lay efforts to release political detainees.

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