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Aishath Nooradeen dismissed from BML Board

Aishath Nooradeen, who has served 42 years at the Bank of Maldives (BML), has been dismissed from the bank's Board of Directors on Friday.

Mariyath Mohamed
25 August 2024, MVT 09:05
Aishath Nooradheen bml
Mariyath Mohamed
25 August 2024, MVT 09:05

Aishath Nooradeen, who has served 42 years at the Bank of Maldives (BML), has been dismissed from the bank's Board of Directors on Friday.

Mihaaru News reports that Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) had sent the letter of dismissal to Nooradeen on Friday.

However, as BML is a public share holding company, board members can be appointed or dismissed through a general meeting of shareholders.

PCB or the government have not commented on their decision as of yet.

Nooradeen, who is also the Deputy CEO of BML, is the second longest serving employee of the bank, having joined in 1982.

A number of directors of BML had been dismissed via letters from PCB even in January this year. As PCB does not have the legal authority to do so, these directors were later reinstated. Later, an extraordinary general meeting was held, through which they were then dismissed.

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