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Ziyadham's murder: Accomplice's life sentence maintained

Sifam is currently serving a 25-year jail term after being convicted of being an accomplice in the murder of Ali Ziyadham in 2015.

Ameera Osmanagic
29 July 2024, MVT 22:18
Sifam: His 25 year life sentence was maintained by the High Court today --
Ameera Osmanagic
29 July 2024, MVT 22:18

High Court today upheld the 23-year prison sentence handed to the accomplice convicted of being involved in the stabbing of Ali Ziyadham in Laamu atoll Mundoo, which resulted in Ziyadham's death.

Authorities pressed charges against two men, Mohamed Shanoon and Sifam, both from Mundoo in the murder which took place in March 2015. While Shanoon was convicted of intentional homicide and was sentenced to death by the Criminal Court, Sifam was give a life sentence of 25 years for his involvement.

Sifam appealed the case in High Court and argued that his sentence should be in accordance with the penal code. However, the court's verdict issued today said that his verdict, which was issued under the Act on Prohibiting ‎Threatening and Possession of Dangerous Weapons and Sharp ‎Objects, is valid. The ruling further read that although the lower court referred to the penal code in defining the participation of the crime, referring to the Act on Prohibiting ‎Threatening and Possession of Dangerous Weapons and Sharp ‎Objects in determining the sentence is valid.

According to the ruling, Sifam's involvement in the murder is confirmed by eye witnesses who testified that it was Sifam who held Ziyadham as he attempted to run away from the attacks.

As such, all three judges reviewing the case unanimously ruled that the 25 year prison sentence issued to Sifam under the Act on Prohibiting ‎Threatening and Possession of Dangerous Weapons and Sharp ‎Objects shall be upheld.

The case was heard by High Court Justice Huzaifa Mohamed, Justice Hassan Shafeeu and Justice Mohamed Saleem, with Justice Huzaifa presiding over the bench.

The High Court is yet to decide on a ruling in the case of Shanoon, who was given a death sentence for his crime. According the country's laws, the death penalty can only be implemented after all appeals are exhausted.

However, an execution has not taken place in the country in over six decades.

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