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Ooredoo gifts three sea ambulances to Maldives

Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 July 2018, MVT 17:49
One of the sea ambulances gifted by Ooredoo Group to Maldives' government. PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
18 July 2018, MVT 17:49

Global telecom giant Ooredoo Group donated three sea ambulances to Maldives on Wednesday.

Two of the three ambulances were handed over to the government by Ooredoo Group's Chairman Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Thani, and Ooredoo Maldives' CEO Najib Khan, in a special ceremony held at the presidential Izzudheen Jetty in capital Male.

They were received on behalf of the state by Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim.

Two sea ambulances gifted by Ooredoo Group to Maldives' government, arrive at Izzudheen Jetty in Male City. PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH/MIHAARU

The 40-feet state-of-the-art sea ambulances are fully equipped with first aid facilities and two beds for patients, with a capacity for 12 additional people.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ooredoo's chairman Al Thani expressed hopes that the group's donation would help to advance the health sector of the archipelago.

He further announced plans to donate an air ambulance to Maldives, as well as introduce Ooredoo's internationally operated Mobile Health Clinic services in the country. Mobile Health Clinics provide free healthcare to remote populations far removed from cities, along with awareness activities and health supplements.

L-R: Ooredoo Group's Chairman Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Thani, Health Minister Abdulla Nazim, and Ooredoo Maldives' CEO Najib Khan at the ceremony held to hand over three sea ambulances gifted by Ooredoo to Maldives' government. PHOTO: AHMED NISHAATH/MIHAARU

Ooredoo Maldives' CEO Najib Khan added that the telecom company invested in the sea ambulances and Mobile Health Clinics, in order to achieve the Third Goal of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, "Good Health and Well-being".

He further assured that the third sea ambulance will arrive in Maldives before the end of this year.

Health Minister Azim thanked Ooredoo for the generous aid, noting that Maldives posed a logistical conundrum in providing healthcare services due to its dispersed geographical makeup. However with the new donations, the existing sea ambulance fleet in Maldives now amounts to total 29, he highlighted.