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Efforts Urged to Optimize School Time Usage

Rabeeha Amir
23 November 2023, MVT 12:15
First day of school / academic new year 2018 ameeniyya school
Rabeeha Amir
23 November 2023, MVT 12:15

Education Minister Dr. Ismail Shafeeu has emphasized the need for schools to organize activities that prevent unnecessary time wastage during the academic session.

In a recent circular distributed to schools, the minister highlighted the importance of adhering to the designated time slots in the national curriculum to maximize efficiency.

The circular acknowledged that certain activities, often linked to the official school session, have led to deviations from the scheduled learning timings.

The minister stated this prevents a strategic approach to teaching capabilities, values, and characteristics, emphasizing the failure to complete the curriculum and objectives within the allocated time. This raises the need for additional hours at the end of the term and delivering lessons in a continuous manner.

While encouraging more activities without compromising teaching hours, some educators expressed concerns about a significant increase in supplementary school activities aimed at meeting the goals of the new curriculum. This, in turn, has resulted in extended hours for both students and teachers.

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