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Pest's acquittal on drug charges appealed in High Court

Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 22:15
Ismail Ifham Mohamed (Pest): The state has appealed his acquittal in High Court
Malika Shahid
03 December 2023, MVT 22:15

The state has appealed the dismissal of charges against rap singer Ismail Ifham Mohamed (Pest) in a drug case at the High Court.

Ifham and others faced charges in February 2021 related to the possession of a significant quantity of drugs inside a fan loaded onto a vessel. Despite being charged with serious drug offenses, they were acquitted by the Criminal Court.

The Prosecutor General's Office has confirmed that it filed an appeal against the verdict in which Ifham was not found guilty of trafficking diamorphine, trafficking a Schedule 1 drug, and possession of property obtained by crime.

The prosecution submitted an appeal to the High Court last week. However, the court has not yet made a decision on whether to accept the plea.

Ifham was arrested and detained in judicial custody for an extended period in connection with the case.

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