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MQA lifts actions taken against Avid College

MQA team visited Avid College on Tuesday to assess whether the issues that led to the initial action had been resolved. As a result of the rectifications made by Avid College, the temporary measures imposed by MQA have been lifted.

Malika Shahid
26 August 2024, MVT 14:53
Avid College
Malika Shahid
26 August 2024, MVT 14:53

Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA) has lifted the action taken against Avid College for violating program accreditation regulations.

MQA had initially taken action against Avid College on July 28 after receiving numerous complaints about the college's programs.

In a statement issued today, MQA announced that a meeting was held with Avid College on August 18 to review the corrective measures the college had taken.

Following this, MQA team visited Avid College on Tuesday to assess whether the issues that led to the initial action had been resolved. As a result of the rectifications made by Avid College, the temporary measures imposed by MQA have been lifted.

The action against Avid College was initially taken due to several issues, including non-payment of salaries to lecturers and delays in marking students' examination papers.

These problems extended the duration of programs and increased costs for students. A "random batch audit" of seven programs at the college had revealed multiple violations of accreditation regulations and program accreditation guidelines.

Actions taken against Avid College included ensuring that its operations comply with the National Qualifications Framework and program accreditation standards. Additionally, MQA decided not to issue accreditation or operating permits for any new programs at Avid College until these standards are met.

Action was also taken against Clique College for conducting courses under the e-learning delivery modality without obtaining MQA permission. However, it remains unclear whether the measures taken against Clique College have also been reversed.

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