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PNC MPs propose reducing the price of fish to a reasonable figure

A number of parliamentarians from ruling People's National Congress (PNC) have said today that a permanent solution to the issue of non-payment for fishermen can only be resolved through removing subsidies and reducing the price of fish.

Mariyath Mohamed
25 June 2024, MVT 16:01
Mariyath Mohamed
25 June 2024, MVT 16:01

A number of parliamentarians from ruling People's National Congress (PNC) have said today that a permanent solution to the issue of non-payment for fishermen can only be resolved through removing subsidies and reducing the price of fish.

The comments were made in today's debate on an emergency motion submitted by opposition Maldivian Democratic Party asking that the payments due to fishermen be settled at the earliest.

Dhiggaru MP and Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ahmed Nazim said that the current price per kilo of fish being paid by MIFCO is not feasible, adding that the company makes a loss of MVR 8 on every kilo.

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ahmed Nazim

Nazim said that the payments to fishermen can be made through revising the price to a reasonable amount and emphasized that it is crucial to do so at present.

"The agreed price must be paid as soon as possible for the fish that has already been purchased. However, these payments would already have been paid if the money was there," Nazim said.

Nazim said that there are 17,000 fishermen, with 3700 of them being yellowfin tuna fishermen.

He said that even in an economic perspective, providing a subsidy to only 17,000 of the working population is not feasible.

"There are 35000 people as civil servants. 15,000 persons working in resorts. But we are providing subsidy to 17,000 fishermen. This is not at all justified," he said.

He emphasized that everyone must work beyond party lines to find a resolution for this matter. He added that if reasonably priced, fishermen would be getting payments for the fish they sell in a timely manner.

North Thinadhoo MP Saudhulla Hilmy said that the reason why emergency motions are often submitted in relation to fishermen's dues is because the pricing of fish is unreasonable. He said that while fish needs to be bought at a high price, it can only be sold off at lower prices.

"It is always through the government budget, through people's tax money, that this difference is paid. I don't believe that is how it should be," he said.

Saudhulla noted that the previous government raising the price of a kilo of fish to MVR 25 had resulted in MVR 240 million being due to fishermen. He said that this government had paid back this amount, with only MVR 50 million now left due.

He suggested that the solution would be to allow the market to decide price of fish between MVR 15 and MVR 25. He reminded that some private businesses had also had to close down as this had not been done.

"With the previous government raising the price to MVR 25, private companies like Ensis who were widely conducting this business have gone bankrupt. Things must be done so as to not allow these things to happen," he said.

MP Saudhulla Hilmy

Kolamaafushi MP Ibrahim Didi said that MIFCO, or any other company, must set the prices in accordance with the rates in the global market. He said that it is illogical for the government to continue providing subsidies, and then continuing to face a loss.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Nazil said that it is shameful that MPs were calling to reduce the price of a kilo of fish to MVR 15 and 12.

"It's very easy for these members to talk about Ensis, or some other company. There are members here who will profit from the price of fish being reduced," he alleged.

Nazil said that it is a significant failure on the part of the government to not have found a resolution after fishermen have continued protesting for their dues for several days now.

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