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Yameen's appeal nears conclusion, final hearing next

Mohamed Rehan
14 November 2023, MVT 16:07
Former President Abdulla Yameen-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
14 November 2023, MVT 16:07

The appeal of former President Abdulla Yameen's 11-year prison sentence over the conviction of money laundering and graft charges in the Vaavu atoll Aarah lease case is nearing its conclusion.

In addition to the criminal charges, Yameen was also fined USD 5 million by the Criminal Court in the case. The verdict from the Criminal Court was contested through an appeal filed at the High Court by Yameen.

After concluding Monday's hearing on the appeal, the judges on the bench of the first appellate court presiding over the case stated that the proceedings have reached a conclusion, with closing statements scheduled for the next hearing. The parties involved in the case were advised to be prepared for the upcoming session.

In addition to Yameen, former Felidhoo MP Yoosuf Naeem was also sentenced to three years in jail for his involvement in the same case.

Both Yameen and Naeem's appeal cases are proceeding simultaneously at the appellate court.

Monday's hearing of the case involved judges questioning the appellant and the respondent. The bench directed several questions regarding the arguments made by the parties.

Justices Hassan Shafeef, Huzaifa Mohamed, and Mohamed Saleem, who is also the chair, are on the judges' bench presiding over the case.

Despite the prison sentence, the former president has recently been transferred to house arrest.

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