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Woman held hostage freed from captor

The situation unfolded tonight, where a woman was kidnapped and held hostage with a knife to her neck.

Ameera Osmanagic
29 August 2024, MVT 23:19
[File] Maldives Police Service --
Ameera Osmanagic
29 August 2024, MVT 23:19

A woman who was held hostage with a knife to her throat has been freed from her captor.

Police initially told local media tonight that a woman was held hostage inside a Maafannu house, and that police were active on the scene.

Footage of the incident published on social media shows a man hold a hijab and mask clad woman at knife point inside the house, with a police officer standing in front of the doorway.

Video from the incident as it progressed onto the road showed the man and woman on a motorcycle with the man in the passenger seat; still with the knife to her neck. The man continued to talk with police officers, but what he said was inaudible from the video.

The motor cycle then drives off, with officers running after the vehicle.

A third video surfaced on social media shortly after, showing a large crowd gathered around the motor cycle which was unable to drive forward. Even at that point, the knife stayed on the woman's neck and the man continued to talk.

For a brief moment, his focus shifted towards the crowd where police officers also stood managing those gathered. It was at this moment that two police motorcycles came from behind and one officer hit the man's head with a baton, causing both the man and the woman to fall along with the motorcycle.

Video shows that just moments before he fell, the man attempted to slash the woman's throat.

Photos and videos from the aftermath show the woman being rescued by police and onlookers, while the man lay unconscious on the ground with some blood on his face. He was later transported away from the scene at the back of a police truck.

Police have confirmed that the woman's throat was not slashed during Police's attempt to disarm the perpetrator. However, she is receiving treatment at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and reports indicate she is stable and in good condition.

The man, however, was taken to ADK hospital and is undergoing medical investigations to determine the extent of his injuries.

Police are yet to give further details since this development.

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