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Park and underground parking to be built at old Jamaluddin plot

Male' City Mayor has declared that the Old Jamaluddin School land plot has been determined to be adapted to a nature park for relaxation and an underground parking zone to ease the parking congestion in the city.

Aishath Shuba Solih
25 February 2024, MVT 17:50
During the ceremony to launch the plan of establishing an underground parking zone and relaxation park in the old Jamaluddin land -- Photo: Male' City Council
Aishath Shuba Solih
25 February 2024, MVT 17:50

Male' City Mayor, Adam Azim, stated that the land plot where the old Jamaluddin School had been previously located has been determined to be utilized for an underground parking zone and a nature park for relaxation.

Following the closure of the school, the building was used as the election center of the Elections Commission (EC). Half of this land was later allocated for the construction of the Arabiyya School’s new building while the remaining portion of land was allocated for the expansion of Jamaluddin School which was built adjacent to the old building.

However, this administration has transferred the location of Arabiyya School to the land that formerly accommodated the junkyard, Block No. 381, which allows for more space for the school.

Male' City Mayor, Adam Azim, Housing Minister Dr Ali Haidar Ahmed alongside senior representatives of the Ministry and the Council in attendance of the ceremony held to launch the plan -- Photo: Male' City Council

Sharing the decision to establish an underground parking zone and a nature park on the land with Mihaaru News, Azim further remarked that the construction of these two projects will be proceeded in collaboration with the Housing Ministry.

The council had also publicly showcased the overall design plan of these two projects on last Thursday.

“This area will accommodate an underground parking and a space to be utilized as a garden by the people living in the area during strolls and outings,” said the Mayor.

Photos of the design plan of the underground parking space and relaxation park displayed during the ceremony -- Photo: Male' City Council

The city council has further determined to establish a parking building in order to resolve the parking difficulties suffered by the city’s residential community.

Moreover, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, together with the Male' City Council, has also begun efforts to remove old vehicles parked on the road that needs to be demolished alongside the vehicles parked in violation of the regulations.

Offering prospects for parking spaces was a pledge to be fulfilled within President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s administration.

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