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Shaheeb removed as President's Office Spokesperson, appointed to Foreign Ministry as State Minister

Malika Shahid
01 January 2024, MVT 15:27
Malika Shahid
01 January 2024, MVT 15:27

Two weeks after being appointed as the Spokesperson of the President's Office, Mohamed Shaheeb has been removed from the position and appointed as the State Minister of Foreign Ministry.

While the President's Office has not officially announced it, according to their website, Shaheeb is now listed as a State Minister in the Foreign Ministry.

Shaheeb was appointed as the Chief Spokesperson of the President's Office on December 13. However, the reason for his removal after two weeks remains unclear.

Many journalists have raised concerns about Shaheeb's manner of responding to journalists and his behavior at press conferences held at the President's Office. His removal reportedly occurred after the journalists' association wrote a letter to President Dr. Mohamed Muizz, seeking a solution to the matter.

In addition to Shaheeb, four other State Ministers are currently serving at the Foreign Ministry.