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Police begin investigating sexual harassment charges against 'Zamzam Farish'

Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 17:08
Zamzam Farish: there are multiple allegations of sexual harassment against this Arabiyya teacher.
Mariyath Mohamed
01 December 2023, MVT 17:08

Police have commenced investigations into the allegations of sexual harassment against Arabiyya School teacher 'Zamzam' Farish.

The case involves allegations of sexual harassment against multiple students of the school. It was submitted to the police by the Education Ministry and the Gender Ministry.

Asked about the case, Police confirmed that such a case against a 39 year old male had been reported to them on November 8. They stated that investigations are currently ongoing.

Statements have been taken from some of the students involved, some of which includes strong allegations against the teacher.

According to reports, Zamzam Farish is being accused of targeting comments that fall under sexual harassment at female students, and attempting to build relationships on such terms through various means. Additionally, Zamzam Farish is also being accused of harassing a number of male students.

The victims of this harassment have shared details of their experiences with other teachers at the school. A source close to the issue stated that it was through students confiding in other teachers that the matter came to the attention of the school authorities. The school promptly reported the matter to the Education Ministry, which approached the Gender Ministry, and together lodged the case with the police.

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