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Irresponsible journalism will cause unrest within society: President Solih

Shahudha Mohamed
03 May 2019, MVT 13:36
President Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Solih delivering speech. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
03 May 2019, MVT 13:36

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih stated, on Thursday, that the society will be plunged into unrest and democracy will be hindered if journalists neglect their responsibility of providing accurate information.

In an address publicised on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the president declared it necessary to remember the responsibilities linked to the right of freedom of speech. According to the president such responsibilities were constructive criticism and spreading of verified information.

"If these responsibilities are neglected, the society will plunge into unrest and democracy will be hindered", said President Solih.

Although he highlighted the damages caused by irresponsible journalism, President Solih focused more on the losses sustained by the state when press freedom is obstructed.

The president stated that obstructing journalistic freedom led to the normalisation of corruption and unrest within the government.

Moreover, he noted that the current administration abolished the Freedom of Speech and Defamation Act that limited press freedom.

"This government brought back complete journalistic freedom in order to hold the state's authorities responsible through journalism", President Solih stated, adding that press freedom was granted to save government bodies from embezzlement, corruption and unrest.

Investigating the disappearance of journalist Rilwan Ahmed, the murder of blogger Yameen Rasheed, and ensuring justice are the most important tasks for ensuring journalistic freedom, the president said.

"I assure all journalists, and the beloved people, that this administration will not arrest a journalist for exercising their freedom of speech. [This administration] will not enact legislations that would curtail the freedoms of journalists."

President Solih concluded his address assuring that journalistic freedom will not be obstructed by the current administration.