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Bangladesh appeals citizens against migrating to Maldives

13 February 2019, MVT 14:07
Immigrants who were screened by Maldives Immigration. PHOTO: MIHAARU
13 February 2019, MVT 14:07

The government of Bangladesh has appealed to its citizens against migrating to Maldives due to the difficulties they face in attaining jobs.

According to Bangladesh’s “New Age” newspaper, Bangladesh's Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment implored against sending its citizens to Maldives, following the advice of given by the Bangladesh High Commission in the island nation.

An official of the ministry iterated that Bangladesh needed to stop sending workers to Maldives.

Many Bangladesh nationals are currently facing unemployment in Maldives, according to the Bangladesh High Commission.

The Controller of Maldives Immigration Mohamed Ahmed Hussain, at a press conference held on January 17, stated that while 144,607 Bangladeshis arrived in Maldives on Work Visas, there were 63,000 living in the country illegally.

Immigration also recently launched an operation to deport undocumented immigrants.

Eighty Bangladeshi immigrants were brought in on the first day of the operation, out of which 69 were found to be living in Maldives illegally.

Immigration also plans to extend operations beyond capital Male', to locate illegal immigrants residing in other local islands.