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Addu Police College patient with severe food poisoning now discharged

Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:29
Addu Equatorial Hospital during the influx of food poisoning patients from National College of Policing and Law Enforcement --
Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:29

One individual from National College of Policing and Law Enforcement in Addu City has been discharged from Addu Equatorial Hospital (AEH) after recovering from severe food poisoning, Maldives Police Service has confirmed.

Police detailed that the individual who was discharged is among the two who were admitted to the ICU due to severity of their condition. Out of the two, the patient discharged was later moved to the ward after their condition improved.

The food poisoning incident took place last Wednesday where 32 police trainees at the police college fell ill from food poisoning. Out of the 32, five patients were initially treated in the ICU.

Local reports say that Best Selection, a local company which also runs multiple restaurants in both Malé and Addu, provides catering services to the college.

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