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Defence Ministry to inspect chemical storage facilities

Defence Ministry will commence a chemical storage compliance check next month.

Ameera Osmanagic
27 September 2024, MVT 09:58
[File] Fire in H. Thilafushige, which claimed the life of one and forced the displacement of 400 people -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
27 September 2024, MVT 09:58

Ministry of Defence has revealed plans to start inspections of facilities that store hazardous chemicals, in a bid to ensure compliance with the country's regulations.

While the regulation of all chemicals imported into the country is within the mandate of the Defence Ministry, the statement published by the ministry revealed today that it has received multiple complaints of chemical storage regulation violations.

As such, the Ministry plans to carry out "Operation Hiraas Faas" [Operation Danger Check] to ensure compliance.

During the operation, special programs will be conducted in zones to inspect chemical storage facilities and raise public awareness on laws and regulations to be followed in importing and storing chemicals, the Ministry said in a statement.

As of now, storage of any form of chemicals in Malé is prohibited, and a special area has been designated for this purpose in Hulhumalé.

Chemical storage was banned in the Malé City on 20th September 2019, after a dangerous fire broke out in a chemical warehouse in Thilafushige, located in Henveiru ward. Four chemical storage warehouses and six houses were destroyed in the incident, which killed one person and forced the evacuation of four hundred people.

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