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News / HDC

Bidding open for 41 smart parking slots in Hulhumalé

Now open to be claimed by the highest bidder, 41 smart parking slots are available for rent in Hulhumalé.

Hanaan Hussain
31 March 2024, MVT 19:07
Smart parking zone located in Hulhumalé -- Photo: HDC
Hanaan Hussain
31 March 2024, MVT 19:07

Now open to be claimed by the highest bidder, 41 smart parking slots are available for rent in Hulhumalé.

An announcement by Housing Development Corporation (HDC) on Thursday states that parties interested in the smart parking slots have until 24 April to participate in the bidding process, which will be opened on the same day.

The smart parking zone is located near the Hulhumalé ferry terminal at the Fithuroanu Parking Zone. This is the first smart parking zone in all of Maldives. 23 additional slots were issued for rent through a bidding process from the parking zone last year.

The smart parking zone is located near the Hulhumalé ferry terminal at the Fithuroanu Parking Zone. This is the first smart parking zone in all of Maldives. 23 additional slots were issued for rent through a bidding process from the parking zone last year.

According to HDC, the starting price of the bidding is MVR 1,500, with the same amount locked in for the bid security. The parking slots, which will be issued for a period of three years. will be allocated based on a point system where parties who score highest will be able to claim the parking slots.

The smart parking slots are reserved for Maldivians. The vehicles to be parked in these spaces must be owned by the party who submits the bid and be registered for driving under the same name within the Greater Malé Area, with the vehicle required to be up-to-date with regulations as posed by the Ministry of Transport. The parties who claim the smart parking slots cannot be ones who already owe any money or fees to HDC as well.

Subleasing of the smart parking slots, and having unauthorized or previously unregistered vehicles park in these areas is illegal. If a person wants to park another vehicle registered under their name at the slot, they must seek permission to do so. HDC also noted that vehicles could be registered to the smart parking slots through garage letters.

This smart parking zone dedicated to cars in Hulhumalé has slots dedicated to long and short term parking of cars, and also special slots for persons with disabilities. A parking application for smartphones has also been created for those doing short-term parking at the Fithuroanu Smart Parking Zone.

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