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State to press 225 charges against K-Park director: PG

Mohamed Rehan
01 December 2023, MVT 16:50
Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem; the PG Office on Thursday said it was considering to press 225 charges against Mamdhooh and two others involved in the K-Park scandal-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
01 December 2023, MVT 16:50

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has said that the state will be pressing 225 charges against Hassan Mamdhooh (Mandey) for graft and embezzlement, and the deceptive acquisition of payments from property buyers.

While Mamdhooh has been released after his initial arrest for the alleged charges, Maldives Police Service have confiscated several expensive items discovered from the director's residence.

At the PG Office press conference on Thursday, November 30, Shameem said the state can press 225 charges based on all available evidence. Besides confirming the involvement of two others in the case, Shameem further said the state was considering pressing the charges of forgery, fraud, loot, and money laundering.

"Separate charges of loot, fraud and graft will be pressed against those involved individually. The charges appear significantly high since we will be pressing each charge to each suspect separately, and as such the conviction would be distinct to each of the charges," Shameem added.

The charges have been elevated due to multiple counts of fraud against several victims. Shameem added that a total of 41 apartments had been sold to 107 parties, and each victim's case would be tried separately.

"Anything else would set a bad precedent, which can be construed as an encouragement for more instances of thievery and loot. If the consequences do not reflect the more intense criminal offenses, it is a form of encouragement for them to offend more. That is not how law should be interpreted, and that is why we are trying each case individually," Shameem said.

At Thursday's press conference, PG Office presented the items discovered from Mamdhooh's apartment which included a wide array of expensive and designer bags, perfume, and jewelry. PG Office added that the items hold a collective value of close to MVR 7 million.

While PG Office announced possible 225 charges against the K-Park director, this also marks the first time the highest number of criminal charges are pressed against an individual in the Maldives.