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Former Minister Aslam Denied Hajj Royal Protocol, Forced to Seek Alternatives

Rabeeha Amir
28 November 2023, MVT 13:54
Former Minister Aslam.
Rabeeha Amir
28 November 2023, MVT 13:54

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs disclosed that Mohamed Aslam, the former Planning Minister appointed as Ameerul Hajj by the government for the 2019 hajj five years ago, was deprived of royal protocol.

This revelation was conveyed in a response from the then Islamic Minister Ahmed Zahir, addressing MP Ibrahim Rasheed's query last year, and the details were presented in parliament today.

In response to a question about the use of government-funded vehicles by non-governmental organizations, Zahir clarified that no private entity utilized such vehicles. However, he explained that Aslam, designated as Ameerul Hajj, resorted to using the government vehicle for the necessary services when the expected royal protocol fell through.

When royal protocol was not extended to him, Aslam shared a tent with other members of the Hajj mission, with the tent partitioned to reserve space for Ameer-ul-Hajj and his spouse exclusively. The tent was solely utilized by Hajj mission members and the Ameerul Hajj couple, with no other individuals accessing it.

The government vehicle, initially allocated for official journeys, is now repurposed to deliver essential services to pilgrims. This includes organizing the last rites for missing or deceased pilgrims and facilitating transportation to and from the airport, as outlined in the parliamentary response.