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Dr. Muizzu hopes resolving Indian military issue by first week in office

Mohamed Rehan
14 October 2023, MVT 17:33
President-elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu during his interview with Al-Jazeera--
Mohamed Rehan
14 October 2023, MVT 17:33

President-elect Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said he hoped to resolve the issue of Indian military presence in the Maldives by the first week of his presidency.

He made this statement in an interview with Al-Jazeera, where he emphasized his intention to request the Indian military to depart from Maldives on the first day of his presidency. He also said that he planned to accomplish this goal through diplomatic means and guidelines.

Dr. Muizzu said it was his administration's top priority to send back the foreign military during the first week of his presidency, and strongly hoped his government will achieve it.

He also criticized the current government, stating that its foreign policies did not guarantee the complete protection of Maldivian sovereignty and independence. He affirmed that the next government aims to address and rectify this issue.

According to the president-elect, the current administration lost its second term due to loss of public faith, primarily because of its flawed policies that were compromising the Maldives' national security and sovereignty.

He added that the public did not desire foreign military presence, a sentiment that Dr. Muizzu said should be respected and complied with.

"President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has agreed about Indian military presence, but he did not disclose the nature of this presence because of which the citizens no longer wish for them to remain in Maldives any longer. That is also the reason why the public did not choose the current administration," Dr. Muizzu said.

"I will begin efforts to repatriate the military through diplomatic channels on the first day of my presidency," he added.

Dr. Muizzu further said that he was confident about the lengthy diplomatic relationship between the Maldives and India will not be affected by his decision to deport the Indian military.

He said Indian government's support and aid for Maldives' development is welcome. Dr. Muizzu highlighted his meeting with Indian ambassador to the Maldives Munu Mahawar shortly after winning this year's presidential election, and added that it was a productive meeting.

Dr. Muizzu said that the ambassador assured India will provide leniencies to loan repayment.

The president-elect also assured that no new agreements were entered with China to station its military in a bid to balance the foreign military presence. He also said that China never extended its support in manners that would compromise the sovereignty of its ally.

While answering the questions presented by Al-Jazeera reporter Sami Zeidan, Dr. Muizzu said that he hoped to maintain strong ties with China under his administration in the future as well, while adding his government will maintain strong ties with all of the country's allies.

Earlier, Dr. Muizzu announced that his government will uphold a 'Pro-Maldives' policy, which has already been commended by foreign allies including Australia.

The president-elect assured his government will be transparent and accountable for its action, and affirmed no details about the state's conduct will be concealed from the media. Dr. Muizzu further assured complete press freedom and freedom of speech for all during his administration.

He also assured that his government will not be shadowed in scandals or corruption, and affirmed complete independence to the judiciary from the first day of his presidency.